Thursday, 16 October 2014

Harvington - Warks Avon 16/10/2014

A fabulous morning on the Avon
After waiting for what has been months for some proper rain to affect my favourite river, a few days it finally happened, and by Wednesday there was more than 2 foot on. By the time I arrived, it had dropped to around 18 inches or so, with lots of colour, and looked perfect!

Down to business, two rods, one with double elips, the other with a single pellet complete with a paste wrap....I was feeling very confident indeed. Sure enough, 20 minutes in, and a screamer on my downstream rod.....and the fish almost made it into a snag, which i managed to prise it away from....the fish made some short powerful runs under the rod tip before I managed to subdue it, a nice fish. I thought it might be 8+ at first, but in the net it looked smaller, and so it proved, tipping the scales at 7.11. Great start!
7lb 11oz

This proved to be a bad omen though....the next 2 hours brought no bites at all, and I moved up a few pegs to fish under some overhanging trees. This too, proved fruitless, so I ended up back in the swim I started in. A switch to meat I thought might pick a fish up didn't work either, a
nd apart from a few plucks from chub that was it.

It ended up being quite a disappointing session in the end, and to be honest, I may have fared better starting at 1pm and fishing until dark, but who knows. A good looking river proved to be hard.

Never mind, there'll be another day.....tomorrow!!!

the video to this session here:-

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